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Minutes of the April 11, 2023 Meeting
Board of Trustees of the Beacon Meadows Special Dependent Tax District
Northdale Park & Rec, 15510A Hooting Owls Place., Tampa, Florida



Trustees Present:        Wendy McCrorey (President), Dena Galyardt (Vice President), Barbara Appel (Treasurer), Penny Phillips (Secretary), Allen McCrorey (Trustee), Carol Coon (Trustee)

Trustees Absent:         Steve Castry (Trustee)


The meeting was called to order by Wendy at 7:03 p.m.


Secretary's Report

The minutes of the March 2023 Board meeting were read in advance by Trustees.  Carol made a motion, seconded by Wendy, that the minutes be approved.  The motion was approved by a vote of 6-0.


Treasurer’s Report (March 2023) (rounded to nearest dollar)

Revenue from previous month:  $364


Utilities - $112 (43.00)

Landscape maintenance - $815 (46.00)

Wall pressure cleaning (Casey Rd./Jackson Rd.) - $1,975 (46.00)

Cash in bank:  $64,423

Available to spend:  $54,923


Old Business


Problem with Ligustrum at Casey Rd. Entrance (Update) – Wendy reported that the crew of Gator Property Management cut the dead branches out of the ligustrum.  No additional dead branches have appeared so far.


Steps for Increase in District Assessment Up to $250 (Update) – Penny reported that she received an email response from Mary Mahoney, County Management & Budget, regarding what steps are required for increasing the District assessment. Ms. Mahoney informed her that since all preliminary requirements had been met after the referendum was passed, the Board's next steps are to vote for the increased 2023 assessment as part of the advertised public budget hearing for the FY 24 budget and then certify the increased assessment on the 2023 assessment roll, as required.


Repair/Maintenance of Gunn Hwy., Casey Rd., and Jackson Rd. Walls


  • Pressure Cleaning of Casey Rd. and Jackson Rd. Walls (Update) – Wendy distributed flyers to residents living adjacent to the two walls and the cleaning project was completed by Integrity Pressure Cleaning on March 20.  Carol commented that two passes of the Jackson Rd. wall were needed to remove the dark stains.  The assessment was that the job was well done.  Penny added that the cost of the Jackson Rd. wall cleaning had been reduced by $50 after she contacted Integrity to request a reduced price due to the recently painted section of the wall across from the new subdivision.

  • Proposal for Improvements to Jackson Rd. Wall and Painting of Casey Rd. and Jackson Rd. Walls (New) – Wendy reviewed the proposals from Steve Norton (Steve Norton Painting), who had previously painted the Gunn Hwy. wall:

    • Painting of Casey Rd. wall – (plus caulk cracks up to 1/8” with elastomeric caulk) - $3,200

    • Painting of Jackson Rd. wall (plus caulk cracks up to 1/8” with elastomeric caulk and replace/repair missing cap blocks) - $4,000

    • Improvements to Jackson Rd. wall - $380

      • Build up stucco to cover the severe crack and the section inside the vines (12’ x 15’)

      • Remove all weeds from the top cap and seal with elastomeric patch block filler


Carol made a motion, seconded by Allen, that the proposals from Steve Norton Painting be accepted and that a total of $7,580 be allocated (46.00) for the painting and improvement project.  The motion was approved by a vote of 6-0.  Wendy agreed to sign the proposals and email them to Mr. Norton.


Carol commented that the trees/shrubbery along the Jackson Rd. wall that are causing the wall to lean or are pushing blocks out need to be removed at the property owners’ expense, since it is not the District’s responsibility to pay for repairs for damage caused by property owners.  She recommended that a letter be sent to them.  The Board discussed how it may be beneficial to send a letter to all property owners with property adjacent to the walls. Barbara suggested sending postcards instead of letters due to the high cost of postage.  Penny agreed to draft language for the correspondence for consideration at the May Board meeting.


Repair of Gunn Hwy. Wall (Ongoing) – Barbara reported that she had not heard back from Perry Mallory of T-3 Construction.  This topic was tabled until a future Board meeting.


New Business


Vote to Approve Date/Time for June Public Budget Hearing – The monthly Board meeting is on June 13, 2023.  Penny made a motion, seconded by Wendy, that the public budget hearing be held on June 13, 2023 at 7:30 p.m. at the Northdale Recreation Center, 15510 Hooting Owls Place, Tampa.  The motion was approved by a vote of 6-0.  Barbara agreed to prepare the required advertisement for the Tampa Bay Times for publication in the Bulletin Board.


There being no further business, Penny made a motion, seconded by Carol, that the meeting be adjourned at 7:28 p.m. The motion was approved by a vote of 6-0.



Penny Phillips, Secretary ________________________


Wendy McCrorey, President ____________________



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