Beacon Meadows
A Deed Restricted Community
Special Dependent District
Hillsborough County, Florida, 33624
Minutes of the December 13, 2022 Meeting
Board of Trustees of the Beacon Meadows Special Dependent Tax District
Northdale Park & Rec, 15510A Hooting Owls Place., Tampa, Florida
Trustees Present: Wendy McCrorey (President), Dena Galyardt (Vice President), Barbara Appel (Treasurer), Penny Phillips (Secretary), Allen McCrorey (Trustee), Carol Coon (Trustee), Steve Castry (Trustee)
Trustees Absent: None
The meeting was called to order by Wendy at 7:02 p.m.
Secretary's Report
The minutes of the November 2022 Board meeting were read in advance by Trustees. Allen made a motion, seconded by Carol, that the minutes be approved. The motion was approved by a vote of 7-0.
Treasurer’s Report (November 2022) (rounded to nearest dollar)
Revenue from previous month: $8,839
Utilities - $109 (43.00)
Landscape maintenance - $815 (46.00)
Accounting - $750 (32.00)
Cash in bank: $50,966
Available to spend: $37,466
Old Business
Unaudited Financial Statement – Progress Report – Barbara received an email notice that the Florida Dept. of Financial Services has implemented a new system for tracking financial information via Local Government Electronic Reporting. In February 2023, Annual Financial Reports will be filed using the new LOGERx system. She will report when the District’s financial information has been entered into the new system.
New Business
Date/Time for Removing Holiday Decorations at Entrances – Trustees agreed on January 2, starting at 9:00 a.m. at the Casey Rd. entrance. Wendy and Allen will continue to store the decorations at their house.
Purchase of Holiday Decorations/Supplies – No new decorations or supplies were purchased for this holiday season, but some may need to be purchased for next year, such as bows. Unless a Trustee finds supplies at a deep discount at this time, it was agreed that they can be purchased next year. Dena offered to donate lights and decorations that she is no longer using at her house. She agreed to design how they will be arranged at the entrances. They will be gratefully received by the Board as long as they can fit into the plastic storage bins.
Payment for Renewal of Mail Box at UPS Store – Wendy reported that she asked the owner of the UPS Store if the District could get a discount on a two-year mail box rental. The District can rent a mail box for $240 for 12 months or $480 for 30 months (six months free). Penny made a motion, seconded by Wendy, that $480 (44.00) be allocated to rent the mail box at the UPS Store for 30 months. The motion was approved by a vote of 7-0. Wendy will provide Penny with a copy of the rental agreement from the UPS Store, and she will pay the mail box renewal fee and get a reimbursement check from Barbara.
Homeowner’s Offer to be a Trustee – David Tillery contacted Barbara to offer to become a Board member. Since there are no vacancies on the Board and none in the foreseeable future, Penny will call Mr. Tillery and advise him that the Board will keep him in mind for a future vacancy and invite him to monthly Board meetings as a member of the public.
Repairs to Gunn Hwy. and Jackson Rd. Walls (Revisited) – Repairs on both walls are sorely needed. However, the budget precludes all necessary work from being done in one fiscal year, so the work must be prioritized. The Jackson Rd. wall has noticeable cracks and grass is growing out of the cap in some areas. The cap was repaired several years ago, but the repair did not work effectively. That wall must also be pressure washed and painted. Barbara recommended that a new method of repairing the cap be pursued with contractors. The Gunn Hwy. wall needs sections replaced that are badly leaning, which includes the cost of the repairs and an expensive permit. Barbara noted that T-3 Construction was the only company the District was able to find to repair that wall, so it may be prudent not to wait very long for more repairs to be accomplished. Wendy added that the Casey Rd. wall has some noticeable cracks and mildew and may need to be painted again soon. Discussion ensued regarding these wall projects, buy no decisions were made. The item was tabled for a future Board meeting.
There being no further business, Penny made a motion, seconded by Carol, that the meeting be adjourned at 7:46 p.m. The motion was approved by a vote of 7-0.
Penny Phillips, Secretary ____________________
Wendy McCrorey, President ____________________