Beacon Meadows
A Deed Restricted Community
Special Dependent District
Hillsborough County, Florida, 33624
Fiscal Year 2020 (Oct 1, 2019 - Sept 30, 2020)
FY19 Meeting Schedule Print Ad
FY19 Meeting Schedule Online Ad
The public assessment hearing for the Beacon Meadows Special Dependent Tax District was convened by President McCrorey at 7:30 p.m. on June 13, 2019 at the Carrollwood Cultural Center, 4537 Lowell Road, Tampa, Florida.
Trustees present: Wendy McCrorey, Shirley Williams, Barbara Appel, Penny Phillips, Anne Blevins, Allen McCrorey
Trustees absent: Angela Lucero
Public present: Dena Galyardt, 11604 Shady Tree Place
President McCrorey called the hearing to order at 7:30 p.m. and described the purpose of the hearing as follows:
The purpose of this public hearing is to adopt the 2019 non-ad valorem assessment roll for Beacon Meadows Special Dependent Tax District. As a result of the referendum passed in August 2018 to increase the District’s tax assessment, the Board is authorized to adopt a 2019 assessment of $125, but not to exceed $250, per improved residential property (256 total), which will generate $32,000, but not to exceed $64,000, total revenue for 2019. The assessment will be collected by the County Tax Collector as a part of property owners’ ad valorem property tax bill. The revenue will be used for maintaining and improving the entrances, perimeter walls, and adjacent grounds, as well as assuring the District is in compliance with applicable County and State requirements.
President McCrorey asked if any written objections had been received. Trustee Appel, who is Registered Agent, reported that there were no written objections received by the deadline of June 12, 2019.
President McCrorey opened the floor for public comment and stated the following:
Comments will be for up to three minutes per person, after stating name and address, and will be briefly summarized in the minutes. Only comments pertaining to the purpose of this hearing will be permitted.
Dena Galyardt, 11604 Shady Tree Place, commented that she had no problem with an increase of the assessment to $125 for 2019.
President McCrorey closed public comment.
President McCrorey called for a motion to approve the assessment range authorized by the referendum passed in August 2018. Trustee Appel made the following motion:
That the Beacon Meadows Special Dependent Tax District referendum-approved assessment range of $125, but not to exceed $250, per improved residential property (256 total), which will generate $32,000, but not to exceed $64,000, be adopted for consideration by the Board for approving the non-ad valorem assessment rate each fiscal year.
Trustee Blevins seconded the motion. President McCrorey called for discussion. Since there was none, she called for a vote on the motion. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of 6-0.
President McCrorey then called for a motion to increase the 2019 assessment rate. Trustee Blevins made the following motion:
That the non-ad valorem assessment rate for Beacon Meadows Special Dependent Tax District for 2019 be in the amount of $125 per improved residential property, which will generate $32,000 total revenue for 2019.
Trustee Phillips seconded the motion. President McCrorey called for discussion. Since there was none, she called for a vote on the motion. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of 6-0.
There being no further business, Trustee Phillips made a motion that the hearing be adjourned, which was seconded by President McCrorey. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of 6-0. The hearing was adjourned at 7:39 p.m.
Signed _______________________________
Signed _______________________________
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The public budget hearing for the Beacon Meadows Special Dependent District was convened by President McCrorey at 8:00 p.m. on June 13, 2019 at the Carrollwood Cultural Center, 4537 Lowell Road, Tampa, Florida.
Trustees present: Wendy McCrorey, Shirley Williams, Barbara Appel, Penny Phillips, Anne Blevins, Allen McCrorey
Trustees absent: Angela Lucero
Public present: Dena Galyardt
President McCrorey called the hearing to order at 8:00 p.m. and presented the budget for discussion, comparing estimates for FY19 with projections for FY20.
The proposed budget for FY20 increases the special assessment rate to $125 per improved parcel. There are 256 single family homes in Beacon Meadows, resulting in projected revenue of $32,000. This amount, minus the required 5% ($1,600), plus $22,923 estimated beginning fund balance (i.e., budget carryover), equals total revenues of $53,323. .
President McCrorey reviewed all budget categories and the backup schedules justifying how projected items are calculated.
Budget Transfers (99.01) is the standard amount that has been allocated for a number of years. In the past, the District’s accountant had confirmed this entry was appropriate. Reserve for Contingency (99.03), which can be up to 10% of total revenues, is the amount that is estimated to cover three months of regular District expenses.
President McCrorey reported that the proposed budget was posted on the District’s website on May 20, 2019 in compliance with Chapter 189.418(4) of the Florida Statutes. The approved budget will be posted on the same website.
Discussion among Trustees resulted in an agreement that the budget projections for FY20 appeared reasonable and that the special assessment rate should be increased to $125 per improved residential property, as authorized by the 2018 referendum and approved by the Trustees in the public assessment hearing on June 13, 2019. President McCrorey opened the hearing for public comment. Since there was none, public comment was closed.
The resolution fixing the special assessment rate for the year 2019 was read. Trustee Appel made a motion, seconded by Trustee Blevins, to approve the budget, adopt the resolution, and set the special assessment rate at $125. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of 6-0.
There being no further business, Trustee Phillips moved to adjourn the hearing. Trustee Appel seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of 6-0. The hearing was adjourned by President McCrorey at 8:15 p.m.
Signed _______________________________
Signed _______________________________
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Upon the motion by Trustee Barbara Appel, seconded by Trustee Anne Blevins, the following Resolution was adopted by 6 votes to 0 votes.
WHEREAS, BEACON MEADOWS SPECIAL DEPENDENT DISTRICT is a special dependent district duly established and operating pursuant to Ordinance #87-53, as amended; and,
WHEREAS, Ordinance #87-53, as amended, provided that the Board of Trustees of BEACON MEADOWS SPECIAL DEPENDENT DISTRICT has the right, power and authority to levy a special assessment against IMPROVED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY in the district for the purpose of maintaining and improving common property; and,
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of BEACON MEADOWS SPECIAL DEPENDENT DISTRICT has determined that the assessment for the year 2019 shall be in the amount of $125.00; and,
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of BEACON MEADOWS SPECIAL DEPENDENT DISTRICT has had a duly advertised public hearing on the 13th day of June 2019; and,
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of BEACON MEADOWS SPECIAL DEPENDENT DISTRICT has presented the proposed assessment and proposed budget to the residents of BEACON MEADOWS SPECIAL DEPENDENT DISTRICT at the public hearing; and,
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of BEACON MEADOWS SPECIAL DEPENDENT DISTRICT has heard discussion and comments from the residents.
That the above recitation of findings of fact is hereby incorporated into this Resolution.
The Board of Trustees of BEACON MEADOWS SPECIAL DEPENDENT DISTRICT approves the proposed budget for FY 20
The Board of Trustees of BEACON MEADOWS SPECIAL DEPENDENT DISTRICT approves the proposed assessment of $125.00 for 2019.
Upon adoption, this Resolution shall be transmitted by the Trustees, along with the approved budget and all other materials required by Hillsborough County, to the Board of County Commissioners for their approval.
PRESIDENT: ____________________________________________
Wendy McCrorey, President
Penny Phillips, Secretary