Beacon Meadows
A Deed Restricted Community
Special Dependent District
Hillsborough County, Florida, 33624

Minutes of the May 9, 2023 Meeting
Board of Trustees of the Beacon Meadows Special Dependent Tax District
Northdale Park & Rec, 15510A Hooting Owls Place., Tampa, Florida
The meeting was called to order by Wendy at 7:02 p.m.
Secretary's Report
The minutes of the April 2023 Board meeting were read in advance by Trustees. Carol made a motion, seconded by Wendy, that the minutes be approved. The motion was approved by a vote of 7-0.
Treasurer’s Report (April 2023) (rounded to nearest dollar)
Revenue from previous month: $1,178
Utilities - $109 (43.00)
Landscape maintenance - $815 (46.00)
Painting of walls/improvements (Casey Rd./Jackson Rd.) - $7,580 (46.00)
Cash in bank: $57,016
Available to spend: $48,516
Old Business
Repair/Maintenance of Gunn Hwy., Casey Rd., and Jackson Rd. Walls
Painting of Casey Rd. and Jackson Rd. Walls (Update) – Painting of the walls was completed by Steve Norton Painting in accordance with the signed proposals, and payment has been made by Barbara.
Improvements to Jackson Rd. Wall (Update) – Improvements to the wall were completed by Steve Norton Painting in accordance with the signed proposal, and payment has been made by Barbara. Mr. Norton offered to fill in cracks larger than 1/8 inch for an additional charge, but Trustees agreed that it was not necessary at this time.
Repair of Gunn Hwy. Wall (Ongoing) – Barbara reported that she had not heard back from Perry Mallory of T-3 Construction. This topic was tabled until a future Board meeting.
Notice to Homeowners with Property Adjacent to Walls (Update) – Penny drafted language for a postcard to notify homeowners that the Board could not justify spending tax dollars of all homeowners in the subdivision if trees, plants, or structures in their backyards were damaging the walls. Revisions were discussed, but Trustees agreed that this topic should be tabled until a future Board meeting.
Wendy shared information about major damage to the Jackson Rd. wall in two locations. At the one location, it was surmised by Trustees that either a blow to the wall from the yard side or tree roots from a tree planted on the yard side could have caused the damage. At the other location, nothing was visible to determine what could have caused the damage. Discussion ensued about the homeowner’s financial liability for the damage at the first location. Penny offered to send an email to Mary Mahoney, County Management & Budget, to seek information from her or a legal opinion from the County Attorney’s Office regarding this matter, since it relates to the Board’s responsibility under Ordinance #87-53.
New Business
Quorum Required for June Public Budget Hearing – The hearing is at 7:30 p.m. on June 13, immediately following the monthly Board meeting. Barbara reported that the required advertisement in the Tampa Bay Times Bulletin Board will be published on May 24. Carol agreed to provide a copy of the advertisement from the newspaper for the records.
There being no further business, Penny made a motion, seconded by Carol, that the meeting be adjourned at 7:55 p.m. The motion was approved by a vote of 7-0.
Penny Phillips, Secretary ________________________
Wendy McCrorey, President ____________________