Beacon Meadows
A Deed Restricted Community
Special Dependent District
Hillsborough County, Florida, 33624
Minutes of the October 11, 2022 Meeting
Board of Trustees of the Beacon Meadows Special Dependent Tax District
Northdale Park & Rec, 15510A Hooting Owls Place., Tampa, Florida
Trustees Present: Wendy McCrorey (President), Dena Galyardt (Vice President), Barbara Appel (Treasurer), Penny Phillips (Secretary), Allen McCrorey (Trustee)
Trustees Absent: None
Public Present: Carol Coon, Steve Castry, Bill Fisher
The meeting was called to order by Wendy at 7:01 p.m.
Secretary's Report
The minutes of the September 2022 Board meeting were read in advance by Trustees. Barbara made a motion, seconded by Wendy, that the minutes be approved. The motion was approved by a vote of 5-0.
Treasurer’s Report (September 2022) (rounded to nearest dollar)
Revenue from previous month: $0
Utilities (43.00) - $109
Landscape maintenance (46.00) - $815
Cash in bank: $44,943
Available to spend: $41,444
Barbara commented that September 30 was the end of the previous fiscal year, so “available to spend” is FY22 carryover.
Old Business
Recruitment for New Trustees/Response to Recruitment Postcards – Barbara reported that postcards were mailed to Beacon Meadows resident homeowners only at the beginning of October. To save additional money, no Trustees were mailed postcards except Penny (a copy for the records). Two homeowners responded to the postcards and were present at the meeting (Carol Coon and Steve Castry). Bill Fisher reported that he did not receive a postcard but had seen the announcement on the Beacon Meadows website. Penny reported that she received a written resignation from Anne with an effective date of October 11, 2022, so her seat was officially vacant (Angela’s written resignation was effective September 30, 2022). Although all three homeowners voiced interest in the two vacant seats, Bill Fisher agreed to be available if there were any future vacancies. Therefore, Penny made a motion, seconded by Wendy, that Steve Castry be appointed to vacant Seat #1. The motion was approved by a vote of 5-0. Then Wendy made a motion, seconded by Barbara, that Carol Coon be appointed to vacant Seat #7. The motion was approved by a vote of 6-0. Barbara advised the new Trustees that they will be assigned generic email addresses she will create for them, so they need to be on the lookout for an email from her ( Penny will complete the County Special District Information Form and submit it to County Management & Budget and other required agencies, with a copy of the Board meeting minutes documenting approval of the appointments and a copy of Angela’s and Anne’s written resignations.
New Business
Beginning of New Fiscal Year Tasks
Reappointment of Trustees - Since three Trustees’ appointments expired effective September 30, Carol made a motion, seconded by Penny, that Wendy (Seat #4), Allen (Seat #5), and Barbara (Seat #6) be reappointed to their seats for a new four-year term. The motion was approved by a vote of 7-0.
Reappointment of Officers - Since officers must be reappointed in even-numbered years, Penny made a motion, seconded by Carol, that the following slate of officers be approved. The motion was approved with a vote of 7-0.
President – Wendy
Vice President – Dena
Treasurer – Barbara
Secretary – Penny
Advertisement of Schedule of Board Meetings for FY23 – Barbara reported that this schedule will be published in the Tampa Bay Times Bulletin Board October 19 for $73.82. Wendy agreed to buy a copy of the newspaper that day to obtain a copy of the advertisement.
Surety Bond for Officers – Barbara reported that she submitted payment to RLI for the surety bonds for her, Wendy, and Dena but had not yet received a response from RLI.
Public Depositor Annual Report to CFO – Barbara reported that she submitted this report to the Florida Dept. of Financial Services on October 1.
Unaudited Financial Statement Documents – Barbara reported that she submitted required documents October 1 to King & Walker, CPA’s, for preparation of the FY22 statement.
Hurricane Debris Along Casey Rd. Wall – Trustees discussed what action should be taken for removal of hurricane debris (oak tree branches and dead bougainvillea) along the Casey Rd. wall that fell over the wall from two homeowners’ yards. Wendy reported that the dead bougainvillea would be difficult to remove, since it needed to be cut away from the tree it was attached to. It was agreed that Penny should mail a letter to the homeowners to notify them that they are responsible for removal of the debris. Therefore, Carol made a motion, seconded by Allen, that a letter be mailed to the homeowners to notify them of their responsibility to remove the debris. The motion was approved by a vote of 7-0. Wendy provided Penny with one address and agreed to get the second address for her.
There being no further business, Penny made a motion, seconded by Wendy, that the meeting be adjourned at 7:56 p.m. The motion was approved by a vote of 7-0.
Penny Phillips, Secretary ____________________
Wendy McCrorey, President ____________________