Beacon Meadows
A Deed Restricted Community
Special Dependent District
Hillsborough County, Florida, 33624

Minutes of the November 8, 2022 Meeting
Board of Trustees of the Beacon Meadows Special Dependent Tax District
Northdale Park & Rec, 15510A Hooting Owls Place., Tampa, Florida
Trustees Present: Wendy McCrorey (President), Dena Galyardt (Vice President), Barbara Appel (Treasurer), Penny Phillips (Secretary), Allen McCrorey (Trustee), Carol Coon (Trustee), Steve Castry (Trustee)
Trustees Absent: None
The meeting was called to order by Wendy at 7:00 p.m.
Secretary's Report
The minutes of the October 2022 Board meeting were read in advance by Trustees. Wendy made a motion, seconded by Allen, that the minutes be approved. The motion was approved by a vote of 7-0.
Treasurer’s Report (October 2022) (rounded to nearest dollar)
Revenue from previous month: $242
Utilities - $101
Landscape maintenance - $815
Surety bond for officers - $100
Recruitment postcards - $120
Annual fee to Florida Dept. of Economic Opportunity - $175
Ad for annual schedule of Board meetings - $74
Cash in bank: $43,801
Available to spend: $29,301
Old Business
Beginning of New Fiscal Year Tasks – Penny reported that all new fiscal year tasks listed on the Checklist for the Beginning of FY23 have been completed. (See below for unaudited financial statement.)
Unaudited Financial Statement – Barbara reported that King & Walker, CPA’s, notified her that the FY22 unaudited financial statement is complete and ready to submit to County Management & Budget.
Hurricane Debris Along Casey Rd. Wall – Penny reported that letters had been mailed to the two property owners (based on County property records) to notify them of their responsibility for removal of the debris that fell from their backyards during the hurricane. Wendy reported that she spoke with the resident responsible for the dead bougainvillea, and within a few days the debris was cleaned up. However, the resident responsible for the fallen oak tree branches called Penny after receiving the letter and was uncooperative. Therefore, Wendy and Allen removed the branches and disposed of them. Trustees agreed that Board members should not have to perform tasks that are the responsibility of property owners.
New Business
Date/Time for Decorating Entrances for Holidays – Trustees agreed on December 3, starting at 9:00 a.m. at the Casey Rd. entrance. Wendy will contact Anne Blevins about the holiday decorations and supplies that she has been storing at her house.
Records Management Compliance Statement for FY 2021-2022 – Penny reported that she completed this statement reflecting that no District records had been destroyed in the fiscal year. Wendy signed the form, and Penny will mail it to the Florida Dept. of State.
There being no further business, Penny made a motion, seconded by Steve, that the meeting be adjourned at 7:22 p.m. The motion was approved by a vote of 7-0.
Penny Phillips, Secretary ____________________
Wendy McCrorey, President ____________________